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My Scripture

A Philosophical Description of Reality

Awareness is all-inclusive
Information is Wave
Energy is Particle

All wave-patterns of information
Every particle-form of energy
Manifest within Awareness.

Information and Energy are equivalent
Information becomes Energy through Contraction
Energy becomes Information through Expansion.

Information-waves are condensed into Energy-particles
Energy-particles are dispersed in Information-waves.

The forms of Informational-waves and Energetic-particles are composed of:


Informational/Energetic Spaces generate Frequencies
Frequencies coil the energies of Space into Particles
Particles coalesce into Spheres
Spheres produce Vortices
Vortices develop Matrices
All transformations happen through Resonance

Change is an expansion followed by a contraction
or a contraction followed an expansion.

A Theoretical Definition of Psychology

In a Physics of Psychology
There is:


Magnetism is a Figure-Eight*
A Lemniscate Fractal Pattern
All-Encompassing of both Great and Small

Magnetism is the fundamental force of all movement
Thus, the source of all Sound
Magnetism organizes movement or Sound into pattern or form

Sound generates Light
Light forms the basis for all phenomena
Plasma, Gas, Liquid and Solid are forms of Light

Magnetic force is composed of three currents
Expansive, Contractive and Equalizing**

Expansive is Negative
Contractive is Positive
Equalizing is Neutral

Between the Figure-Eight pattern of the
Expansive and Contractive Magnetic currents
The Equalizing current carries Electricity in the form of current sheets
On the Macro and Micro scale.

Within the human psyche all of these forces and substances are present

Sexual fluid becomes Gas through Energy Transformation
These Gases travel up the spine through Energy Circulation
They settle in specific locations
Inhalation introduces additional Gases through Energy Absorption
These Gases are drawn to key points along the front of the body
and along the back of the spine
As they circulate there is Energy Clearing

The culmination of energy cultivation results in Energy Utilization

The Figure-Eight Pattern
Defines and Describes
All aspects of the Human Being
as well as all aspects of Reality

A Practical Methodology for Enlightenment

There are only three modes of Awareness:
Focused, Defocused and Unfocused.

Focused awareness results in Psychological Positions
Unfocused awareness is Enlightened Awareness
Defocused awareness is the means to Unfocused awareness.

Awareness may be Defocused through three ways:

through Awareness,
through Space
through Oneness.***

The three ways to Defocus through Awareness are:

going backward;
turning inward;
dropping everything.

The three ways to Defocus through Space are:

expanding outward;
filling space;
letting go.

The three ways to Defocus through Oneness are:

entering into;
going between;
getting behind.

Going backward is taking Awareness back and away from experiences, psychological or physical.
Turning inward is turning Awareness 180 degrees.
Dropping everything is instantly shifting away from focusing upon any object.
Expanding outward is moving Awareness in all directions without limit or boundary.
Filling space is shifting Awareness beyond psychological and physical boundaries.
Letting go is opening to everything, allowing, floating and setting everything free.
Entering into is penetrating into the "other" to find the underlying Oneness that is "self" and "other."
Going between is bringing Awareness to the Space between "subject" and "object."
Getting behind is standing back, apart, away from all objects of experience, directly perceiving the preexisting Space of Oneness that is Awareness.

Awareness is a Space of Oneness.
Space is an Awareness of Oneness.
Oneness is an Awareness of Space.

*See, Davis and Rawls:
** See, In Search of the Miraculous, By P.D. Ouspensky
*** See, You Are the Eyes of the World By Longchenpa

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