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Principles of Reality

Principles of Reality

What is the nature of reality? What are the essential principles of reality? Is it spiritual? Is it material? Are such questions even valid? Can we understand reality or can we only experience it? I have come to the conclusion that reality is comprehensible and that what it is can be experienced directly. I am convinced that a simple set of principles can be utilized to adequately define and to accurately describe reality. Part of the challenge of demystifying "spiritual experience" and "psychic phenomena" begins with a correct conceptual framework for understanding reality fundamentally. There is no way around the formulation of a basic philosophical understanding or perspective of reality. A viable model of reality must be based upon what is self-evident for the most part, while being simple, clear, accurate, true, comprehensive, complete and practically useful. Endless facts create confusion and begin to obscure practical validity, just as incomplete philosophical systems lead to theoretical and practical problems. Philosophical assumptions must be seen for what they are and must never become an obstacle to the perception, conception and understanding or reality, as it truly is.

Both, the scientists and the religionists have distorted fundamental facts of human experience through inaccurate materialist-reductionistic and spiritual-religious misinterpretations of the physics of psychology. To attribute every experience that scientists are too lazy to study or too dense to understand to biological/physiological/chemical processes is unscientific as it is not falsifiable. It is no different than those in spiritual circles calling all manifestations of energy that are not clearly bodily, "subtle energy." In each case, both are disregarding whole bodies of evidence, some from spiritual traditions and some from modern science that both point to a physics explanation for all psychological phenomena. Prana is composed of gases. So-called "life-energy" is more than likely composed of gases, partially ionized gases and plasmas. I have concluded thus from experience. When I breath, gases are absorbed that go other places than to my heart. I am assuming that they are lighter than oxygen but I cannot say for certain. To attempt to coalesce and consolidate many distinct concepts, experiences and knowledge into a coherent, comprehensive and complete philosophical, theoretical and practical set of principles is the challenge.

One must always begin somewhere and must start out with a simple set of philosophical principles or assumptions that are all-inclusive, if one ever hopes to make sense of reality in a holistic manner or in a complete way. I will lay out the "principles of reality" as I have come to understand them, experience them and to have concluded them to be. The hope is that these principles will make reality clearer, while also aiding the processes of envisioning and creating better technological applications and more perfect practical solutions. When reality is misunderstood, we unintentionally work against natural forces but when correctly understood we are in a better position to realize the range of possibilities. We cannot actualize the best potentials, if we do not grasp the fundamental principles of reality, including their interrelationships and their limitations. The only principle of reality that is Infinite, Unlimited, Absolute or Ultimate is Awareness. All forms of information and energy come with limitation. By understanding limitations, we can better comprehend the most effective practical applications.

Awareness, Information and Energy

The three overarching principles of reality that account for everything are Awareness, Information and Energy. All phenomena regardless of scale, form or duration are the result of the interplay, relationship and interaction of these three basic principles. Awareness is the spiritual principle that all of creation and that all beings share equally in. It is the ubiquitous, single, underlying fact that is present everywhere, as the Source of all forms and varieties of information and energy. In other posts, the nature of Awareness has been touched upon and it has been emphasized repeatedly that to understand Awareness one must experience Awareness. All of the practical indications toward that direct experience have been already sufficiently enumerated. Awareness is equivalent to the notion of God but then in this sense as the Infinite, Absolute, Ultimate, Formless Essence that precedes everything.

What is information? A synonym for information is frequency or sound. Every vibration has specific frequency/sound and is thus a carrier of precise information. What is energy? A concentration of substance to a point or a particle is generally the form that energy takes. There is no volume of space that does not carry some form of information/energy. The dividing line between information and energy is difficult to discern given that they are two sides of the same coin. Information is like an expansive wave and energy is like a contractive point. Yet, one can become the other, through expansion or through contraction, as information and energy are ultimately equivalent. A human being for instance is a complex of informational waves and energetic particles forming one whole pattern or system. A thought can become action and an experience can become an emotion. There is a seamless interplay between these two as information translates into energy and as energy becomes information. Is there really a distinction between information and energy or are they merely two expressions of the same substance? Information is radiative and expansive and energy is concentrative and contractive. What are all of the forms of information and energy? How do the forces of expansion and contraction operate on all scales?

We must study all three aspects of reality if we are to understand anything. We must study our own
Awareness through defocusing awareness. As for studying information and energy, we must delve into all of the forms that these two principles take.

Expansion, Contraction and Balancing

Two additional principles that must be addressed at the outset are the principles of expansion and contraction. There is also a third principle that balances the two but what must be understood is the basic principle that describes and provides the model for defining all forms of change, transformation, growth, development and even decay. All change or transformation occurs through an expansion followed by a contraction and/or through a contraction followed by an expansion. Following these movements there is always a balancing of the two. Expansion is a release of energy that radiates outward from the center in all directions and contraction is an absorption of energy that contracts inward toward the center from all directions. The balancing of these two movements blends them together in the middle between these two forces. All actions on all scales are governed by these three basic forces taking all different forms and operating in all distinct media, whether, through magnetism, sound, light, electricity, plasmas, gases, liquids, solids, etc. There is no change and there is no form that is not governed by these forces.

This means that the "universe" and anything else besides could have been created initially by either a "big bang" or a "big crunch" but that ultimately both processes are necessary to create or to change anything, whether they occur simultaneously or sequentially. From the largest scale to the smallest the same basic principles of change, growth and evolution occur in the same way. Human evolution for example is contingent upon absorbing gases/plasmas through contraction and circulating them throughout one's life through expansion. First there is an absorption of energy through contraction and then there is a release of energy through expansion or vis versa. Every change occurs in precisely this way and follows this process or procedure. Thus, every event is predictable, describable and definable given that all forces and factors involved are relatively well known, accounted for and sufficiently understood. How can we better design our technologies to account for and operate according to these two basic facts of change? What practical problems can be addressed through application of this basic principle? How can we apply these principles of expansion/contraction to generate usable energy?

The Basic Pattern of Reality - The Figure-Eight Cross

What form do the essential forces of expansion and contraction take? These forces operate throughout every form through the pattern of interlocking 3-D figure-eight crosses. In fact, the basic pattern or structure of the whole substance of reality is in the form of a 3-Dimensional Lemniscate Fractal that can be scaled up to any magnitude and that can be scaled down to any dimension. Picture a pattern of figure-eight crosses within figure-eight crosses, each containing the equal forces of expansion and contraction, as the balancing force flows in-between them. Just look at your eyes, then look at your mouth and forehead. You can map out your entire life with figure-eight crosses. Superimpose a figure-eight over a tree from root to branch and you can see contractive forces in the roots, expansive forces in the branches and balancing forces in the trunk. The real "tree of life" is described by a fractal pattern of figure-eight crosses. There is no form, from a galaxy to an atom that cannot be described, defined and completely rendered through the pattern of interlocking figure-eight fractals.

This pattern governs magnetism which, as Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls have shown through their work possesses magnetic currents that are composed of two separate, equal, distinct forces. Magnetism governs all relationships, drawing and holding all things together. There are not four forces, just one and it is magnetism. All forms of sound follow this pattern, as do all forms of energy. Sound and light are governed by magnetism. All forms of plasma, gas, liquid and solid are influenced by sounded light and are shaped through magnetic currents. Electricity is part of the balancing force for the two magnetic currents. Sound frequency affects magnetic current flow, adjusting electrical flow and bringing about change in form. Matter or substance takes seven basic
forms: magnetism; sound; light; plasma; gas; liquid; solid. Heat and cold are merely the byproducts of the forces of expansion or contraction. Electricity is the balancing force between the two magnetic currents. The flow of electrical currents may be mapped along the perimeter of the figure-eight fractal patterns that reality is composed of.

The Seven Forms of Information/Energy

What are the basic forms of information and energy? Just as there are seven basic states of matter or substance, there are seven basic forms that all substances of information/energy take within the figure-eight pattern. The most fundamental form of information and energy is Space. Within Space there are contained all forms of information and energy, as well as all possible forms of information and energy. There are many possible spaces of information and spaces of energy. It is impossible for any object to exist without a space of information and energy. It must be understood that space is a substance. Every space carries frequencies. A frequency is a more complex, coherent pattern of sounds. Where there are frequencies, particles are formed. When the potential energies of space are contracted by frequencies particles are produced. Another way to say this is that magnetism orders sound into coherent frequency patterns that generate light. Particles coalesce or gather together forming into spheres or envelopes. A sphere is like a bubble of energy that possesses a membrane through which particles can be absorbed or released. As particles circulate within spheres and are absorbed/released vortices are developed, internally and externally. Through the action of vortices, matrices are produced within spheres that follow the form of the sphere. All interactions between spaces, frequencies, particles, spheres, vortices and matrices are governed by the principle of resonance. What does this tell us about reality? What is the relevance of these principles to technology? Through better understanding form, we can better understand function.

A human being is a composite of informational and energetic patterns composed of spaces, frequencies, particles, spheres, vortices, matrices and resonance. To understand any phenomenon one need only break it down into its basic forms. It must be emphasized that there is no such place as "empty space." Space is the basic substance within which and out of which all of these forms of information and energy arise. Why is this important? How is this perspective of reality more useful than the alternatives? What is its practical import? The fact is that in understanding the nature of creation, one can better fashion more efficient and effective technologies. If you want to fly, you do not create a "bird-like" sphere! Instead you create a sphere that "swims" through the air. A bird is a most inefficient flying creature that is a land-based animal that is evolved to fly, not an air-based creature that is designed to fly. The correct understanding is found by looking at underwater species. They live, move and have their being underwater and thus are more perfectly adapted for underwater movement. Forms must be designed according to the medium within which they must operate and not according to the limitations of either our philosophical assumptions, knowledge or experience. We assume that it is necessary to have wings to fly and though our assumption is based on experience it is still false. Wings are not necessary for flight!

Putting it All Together

Awareness is the Ultimate Space that contains all forms of information and energy. The terms information and energy are synonymous with the terms expansive and contractive forces. The forces of expansion and contraction operate at all scales through 3-Dimensional figure-eight cross fractal patterns. Another name for these forces is magnetism, which patterns all sound, light, electricity, plasmas, gases, liquids and solids into lemniscate cross fractals. These materials are formed into spaces, frequencies, particles, spheres, vortices, matrices and resonances. By looking at reality through the correct "conceptual lens" or with the appropriate "principle filter," one is able to see much more and to understand everything much better. I am convinced that understanding the nature of reality is relevant to Self-Realization and to human development and evolution. What types of spheres do gases or plasmas form in and around human life? What kind of vortices? What matrices? What are the resonances between human beings? How does magnetism hold the human being together? How can one utilize the figure-eight pattern to create a map that describes the magnetic energy flow within the human being?

With a new spirituality there must ultimately come a new science. May my theories point in the direction of new scientific research, new technological development and a larger more accurate picture of reality that is nonetheless simple, clear, true, comprehensive, complete and practically useful.

1 comment:

  1. To refine on these principles I would add the the following:

    There are only two basic functions in nature: 1. Wave Functions, and, 2. Current Functions. In technology the challenge is to translate these two basic functions into practical applications.

    There is a single principle that defines all technologies: Circuits translate Forces into Functions through Components!

    There are only two types of circuits regardless of force, material or medium: 1. Wave Circuits, and, 2. Current Circuits.

    Each of these circuits is based on only three components: 1. Force Elements, 2. Conductors, and, 3. Control Mechanisms.

    The design principles for each type of component are fundamentally identical only varying in terms of specific function and type of circuit.

    The Principles of Circuit Component Design:

    1. Conical Structure

    2. Spiral Function

    3. Cone Circumference Progression

    4. Concentrative vs. Dissapative

    5. F = S / CS vs. F = CS / S - The two spin force equations describing ALL Forces as Spin Forces relative to Counter-Spin Forces, where S > CS or CS > S.

    F = Force
    S = Spin
    CS = Counter-Spin

    All technologies are based on circuits, whether magnetic, electronic, photonic, plasma, gaseous, fluid or solid.
