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Magnetism as the Foundation for a Physics of Psychology


When correct knowledge and true understanding of human psychology is sought, it must be remembered that psychic functioning is based on forces. What are these forces? How do they operate? How can they be described? How to define them? What is the theoretical perspective? How to model the psychic forces in a mathematical form that is scientifically predictive? What are the essential principles? How do they interact with or relate to each other? Where do we begin?

The starting point is a correct understanding of what magnetism is and how magnetism works. Magnetism is not just magnets, just as electricity is not merely copper wires. In other words, just as a copper wire is a means of working with electricity that doesn't change the fact that electricity is a universal phenomenon. Magnets can be looked at similarly, not as sources of magnetism but rather like copper wire, as conductors of magnetism. Each of these materials, whether electrically conductive (copper wire) or magnetically conductive (iron), are just helping us to see and work with the universal forces of electricity and magnetism.

When the whole question of magnetism is re-framed and seen in its proper context then all of remaining questions can be addressed. Magnetism is a universal phenomenon or force. If this interpretation of the facts is correct, then magnetism should be present in all parts of the human body. So, where is it and why has it not been identified? To find something first you must seek it but also you need a map.

Human magnetism is distinct from ferromagnetism. The principle is the same in both but there are more forms of magnetism than are known by science. So, what is this magnetism and how does it operate? What is the map?

Everything begins with spin and polarity or rather with clockwise spin and anti-clockwise spin. The "Tao Te Ching" is correct, given that everything is based on Yin and Yang. Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls actually have shown this in their research and theories. Magnetism is a universal phenomenon that is based on two opposite forces of spin. These spin forces are based on magnetic particles or magnetons (See, Robert Sizov), which through North magnetic current flows and South magnetic current flows shape the patterns of electrons and photons.

How does it work? As these North and South magnetic spins interact there is a natural alternating of polarity, horizontally and vertically, at all scales, in all systems and structures. Interestingly, what results from these interactions is the geometric figure of the enneagram, as was communicated by G. I. Gurdjieff. What this means is that all magnetic interactions result in this figure, so that an accurate 3D mathematical model of human magnetism can be derived from the combination of just three principles:

1. The Nine-Point Enneagram Geometric Figure.

2. Alternating North and South Magnetic Spins, One Clockwise and One Anti-Clockwise, Both Horizontally and Vertically.

3. Circulation of Magnetic Currents or Flows from South to South and from North to North.

Physics of Psychology

This brings us to psychology, which is actually based on physics. The important thing to realize is that without an accurate model of the physics of reality, a comprehensible physics of psychology remains an impossibility. So, now that we have our foundation, which is magnetism and its resulting geometry, now we can discuss the various principles of a true physics of psychology, which are the following seven basic aspects of the human psyche:

1. Magnetism - The two spins of magnetism in the human psyche result in a 9-point enneagram geometrical system of magneton flow, that circulates throughout the human being magnetically from North to North and from South to South. The caduceus symbol is actually a literal depiction of magnetic current flow within the human psyche. This perspective explains bilateral symmetry, DNA and finger-print whorls.

2. Electricity - Between the two magnetic spins, electron flow results in current sheets. All electrical current flows are defined and can be described through magnetic current flows and/or with the 9-point enneagram geometric figure.

3. Light - Magneton flows and electron currents produce or emit photons.

4. Plasma - Through the interaction of magnetons, electrons and photons, the production of plasma structures results.

5. Gases - Plasma structures precipitate gas exchanges.

6. Liquids - Gas exchanges produce liquid circulations.

7. Solids - Liquid circulations generate solid condensation.

Ultimately, the physics of psychology is the physics of reality.